Sunday, January 20, 2008

200.49 - Baitman Family Album


I was looking through the old pictures that GRANDPA BAITMAN had in an old Tackle Box and found these to share:

Gramp's First Big Fishing Boat was the SS Killoran, but the Germans Sunk it during World War II. History claims that he was caught smuggling "Worms" across the Atlantic. The boat may have survived, but was overloaded with Atlantic Salmon which was to be sold to France for Caviar.

After the War, he gathered some fellow fishermen and they tried to set themselves back up in business. Only this time, the funds were short, and so was the boat.

After many years of Hard Work, and not yet having the modern technology of Ether-Net and Bait Development, they finally were able to open their first Bait Shoppe.

Soon, everyone wanted to know what Bait could produce such marvelous Fishing Trips. But, Gramps kept that a Secret only to be passed down to me (The Baitman) in the family.

One of the last photos of Grandpa Baitman shows Gramps in his original Baitman Office. All his Secret Stuff has been carefully preserved by the BAITMAN.

Grandpa would be proud to know that Baitman Enterprises has grown to produce the first "36" Worm, and now controls the US, Canadian, and European Crawler Markets. New Technology has produced a total Global control of the Fishing World.

Baitman Enterprises

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