Saturday, December 29, 2007

200.02 - EtherNET Underwater InterNET

Baitman Enterprises now offers Earthworm EtherNet Wireless Internet Services
To All Baitman Customers:
Baitman Enterprises is pleased to announce that it has invested "deeply" into the technolgy of the World Wide Internet and has developed its own Under Water WWW. interNET.
Imagine this....fisherman..... You can now search and explore for any type of Fish, in any lake, pond, or ocean with a single click. Never have to use a Line or Hook again..... Make your selection and the Fish is "hooked" by the Earthworm EtherNet....right to your Kitchen. Click on "recipes" and you are on your way to an High Tech Fish Dinner from Baitman.

An Independant Network

Fish Internet has built a totally independent, fixed wireless broadband network, bypassing other telecommunication companies altogether. This means that we can deliver superior service, cheaper plans and faster Internet speeds to you, in locations other providers cannot.

Because we are not reliant on any other telecommunications carrier, we can deploy our network wherever it is needed. We have already deployed networks in Fresh and Salt Water communities in the contingent USA states and way down under in Australia.

If you have a favorite Pond or Fishing Hole, you may link it to our "NET" by contacting the BAITMASTER:


Once you have purchased the Baitman Software and selected the "Monthly Fishing Plan" that meets your needs.... you will need a Computer and and "Landing House" for your "UP LOADS".

This is where all of your fish from the NET will it is very important that you "Configure" your Landing Port properly. Baitman does provide Tech Support for installations at this time, but does not provide any security for "Worm" viruses that may attack your system at this time.


Plan Hours UP-Loads Fishing Time Price

Easy Sucker Plan 100 Hours Unlimited Valid: 30 days $65.00
Baitman Deluxe Plan 250 Hours Unlimited Valid: 90 days $130.00

You can roll over your unused & expired bulk rate hours if you purchase another bulk rate packa ge.

Endorsed By Paul Harvey:

Mr. Baitman, Sir.... You have spent all your years in the Bait Shop promoting Hooks, Worms, and Bobbers and are going High Tech into the NET....even after introducing the 36" worm....Please tell us the REST OF THE STORY.....

Baitman: THE REST OF THE "STORY".......of course, it is simple...

When people ask why we believe in the future of our company and our industry, the answer is not based on technology alone, but on what we hear from business and Fishermen around the region. They clearly understand the productivity opportunities and the associated standard of living implications that Internet communications solutions provide. The Fishermen have spoken and expressed their needs as evidenced by the last election.

Everyone knows that there is more Water than Land on this Global Earth Planet.. The Politicians of this world have taken over the "grass roots" communities and have forced many a worm to be subject to Urban "Crawl"... Enough is enough.... We have learned that we can create our own "NET". They got the Land , We got the Sea.....

Besides, it's Biblical.... The Worms and Water were here First..... Baitman only desires to unite Man with Fish, the way it was designed...... That's why we keep on developing NEW STUFF.

Baitman Enterprises

200.01 - Baitman Tide Detector


Baitman Advisory:
Don't even think of planning a Fishing Trip unless you first know where the Water is. The Moon makes the Water come in and come out....It is simply a matter of the Fisherman to be in the right spot at the right time.
This is just another reason that you must be a subscriber to BAITMAN'S
ETHER-NET , an underwater wireless service provider.
Many customers write to us and claim that they purchased our Worms, but claim that they still did not catch Fish. This is NOT at Worm problem, but a Fisherman/User problem. That is why we always try to research and develop more useless information so that you can use to order more Bait.
Don't miss that next big Fish cause you mis-read that 3.8 foot Tide adjustment on the small lake, or forgot about the 20 foot ocean wave when you were suppose to be at 16 foot. Make sure you sign up for the Baitman Tide Detector.

Baitman Enterprises

100.20 - WJR - 760AM -Worm Interview


Morning Show: Feb. 19, 2006

Welcome , Mr. Worm, to our Morning Show. As you know our Fishermen Customers all depend on you to enjoy our lives and make our money. Please let our customers know the "other side of the story", from a Worm's point of view.

How are you?
I’m fine. How are you?

Note: The entire Broadcast Transcript is available from Baitman Enterprises.

Thank You, Mr Worm....... Indeed, you are our "Friends". We all look forward to meeting again on the next Fishing Trip.

Baitman Enterprises

