Saturday, February 02, 2008

200.66 - Welcome To The Baitman Website

Welcome to “On The Dock”…with the Baitman.

The character of the Baitman was developed from a rather simple idea: Wouldn’t life be so much more simpler if we just went Fishing and opened up a Bait Shop?

Now having so much extra time at hand, why not ponder ways to solve all the world’s problems from the comfort of a Pontoon Boat. As the Baitman pondered and reflected, a large volume of expose’ developed and accumulated. This website is a collection of writings and correspondence that resulted in nearly 400 printed pages since the year 2000.

Credit goes to the many relatives and friends who instigated much of the subject matter by knowing sufficiently how to “Stir It Up” to solicit a response by the author. The Baitman incorporates Politics, Social Commentary, New Inventions, and Personal Interests – all presented together with a serious approach to humor and satire.

It is hoped that you will enjoy the collection of “spoofs” and perhaps send a comment or two. This is a permanent Website, so check back periodically for more “useless” information as we get around to publishing it. Thank You and Good “Phishing”…..


Baitman Enterprises

Friday, February 01, 2008

200.65 - Baitman Debit Card


You have been selected to receive one of the First Fish Internet Cards issued by BAITMAN ENTERPRISES, already recognized as the BEST global Worm Provider.

This card is a "Must Have" for every Fisherman's Tackle Box.....DON'T Go Fishing without it...

This card connects you to all of the BAITMAN services that you have enjoyed over the years, but now it is al Wireless, Instant, and honored wherever you take your BAITMAN Card.

Use it for your next "Fish N'Chicks" Cruise, Order European Worms online, purchase hooks, bobbbers, and even Hook N' Cook recipe books from the Baitman Store.
New applicants also receive ONE FULL GALLON of Gasoline for their Fishing Boat. You know how it "sucks" when you are fishing All Day, finally hook the BIG one....but ran out of gas and have to float home whenever you get there. No More....Just whip out the BAITMAN CARD. We NET-WORK with all Fishing Vessels, and we will make sure you get another gallon of gas.

Getting your BAITMAN card easy......IT IS FREE..... all you need to do is fill out the application.
We pretty much simply ask you to reveal everything about yourself, send us a couple of your old credit cards that still have some balance on them, to verify credit worth , and we take from there.

After we receive your Application we will forward to our Fraudulent Fishing Department for review. You can understand that some applicants sometimes overstate their "Net-Worth".
Once you are APPROVED... we will issue you the BAITMAN CARD and include a copy of the Terms & Agreement. For your convience, the following Disclosure terms are noted...but you need not bother wil all that "Small" print... Just Grab the CARD and GO FISHING.......

APR premium rates will be established based on the International market price of Worms. We use Asian Stock quotes since they get up earlier than most fishermen. Current interest rate is 19.99% plus per diem dock fees. There are no Annual Fees for the BAITMAN CARD, but deposits of of un-used credit cards deposited with application will not be returned upon termination of this agreement. A charge of 3% will be assigned to cardholders who do not maintain an inventory of at least 100 worm inches. A monthly purchase of (3) "36" worms will keep the account in good standing. Late Fees are $25.00 per biling cycle. You will be billed this Fee each month, but may get a Re-BAIT at the end of the year by filling out form Fish 2061b and submit one more "credit card" as identification. Re-Baits may not be used as credit towards monthly statement, but are redeemable in the Baitman Store. International Use of this Card will be billed an additional $42.00/month. Those who order from our European or Canadian Worm stock will be assumed to be fishing ouside the US Waterways. An OVER THE LIMIT charge may also be imposed. Subscribers who catch more Fish than they are allowed to will be OVER THE LIMIT and Baitman is held harmless from all legal recourse. Fishermen who order BAITMAN PRODUCTS using the Card, and Catching More Fish than Bait Records provide will also be accessed the OVER LIMIT Charge. Fees start at 3.99/Hour. Any Questions: Just Call: 1-800-BAITMAN.

Baitman Credit Department

Baitman Enterprises