Saturday, December 29, 2007

200.01 - Baitman Tide Detector


Baitman Advisory:
Don't even think of planning a Fishing Trip unless you first know where the Water is. The Moon makes the Water come in and come out....It is simply a matter of the Fisherman to be in the right spot at the right time.
This is just another reason that you must be a subscriber to BAITMAN'S
ETHER-NET , an underwater wireless service provider.
Many customers write to us and claim that they purchased our Worms, but claim that they still did not catch Fish. This is NOT at Worm problem, but a Fisherman/User problem. That is why we always try to research and develop more useless information so that you can use to order more Bait.
Don't miss that next big Fish cause you mis-read that 3.8 foot Tide adjustment on the small lake, or forgot about the 20 foot ocean wave when you were suppose to be at 16 foot. Make sure you sign up for the Baitman Tide Detector.

Baitman Enterprises

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